A Good Space and Good Habits: Instilling Effective Study Habits for Your Child

A Good Space and Good Habits: Instilling Effective Study Habits for Your Child

A key objective of homework is to instill good study habits, and help a child focus and concentrate on material and become an effective learner for life. Preparing an orderly and distraction-free space is an important step in helping a student learn what it takes 

Guest Post: Car Seat Safety Tips Every Parent Must Know

Guest Post: Car Seat Safety Tips Every Parent Must Know

Guest article from kidsittingsafe.com

Help Your Child Avoid Back-To-School Anxiety

Help Your Child Avoid Back-To-School Anxiety

A new school year looms ahead and for some children that means anxiety. Kids worry over whether or not they’ll like their new teacher, whether they’ll have friends in class, and if they’ll fit in to name a few concerns they may have. In fact, 

Guest Post: Subtle Baby Cues Parents May Overlook

Guest Post: Subtle Baby Cues Parents May Overlook

Baby cues can be as subtle as a yawn or quiver in their little lips. They can be quick, fleeting, and easy to miss or they can be persistent and unavoidable like crying.

Get Kids to Eat Their Veggies … With a Smile

Get Kids to Eat Their Veggies … With a Smile

You probably love them because you know they’re nutritious and packed with vitamins. Kids, on the other hand, aren’t necessarily hip to healthy eating, and a heaping forkful of veggies can make them a bit squeamish, to say the least. Getting that goodness into their 

Back to Work Tips – For a Mom Who is Breastfeeding

Back to Work Tips – For a Mom Who is Breastfeeding

Guest article from lactationstationandmore.com

Guest Post: Recognizing and Correcting Impulse Control in Your Child

Guest Post: Recognizing and Correcting Impulse Control in Your Child

Article by: Tiara Swinson of MathGenie.com Photo credited to storyblocks.com Does your child have self-control issues? Can he or she reasonably control their impulses and behaviors? Children with poor self-control are more likely to develop aggressive behavior, as well as anxiety and depression. If your 

Guest Post: Strategies for Helping Your Child’s Language Skills

Guest Post: Strategies for Helping Your Child’s Language Skills

I am my child’s most important teacher in life.  As a reading specialist, I know how crucial early language and literacy skills are for young children.  It sets the tone for the rest of their lives. As my children grow up, they still remember the 

Five Essential Tips for Moms on Starting Their Own Business

Five Essential Tips for Moms on Starting Their Own Business

There’s a lot that moms and entrepreneurs have in common: mainly that they are the CEOs of their respective areas and have to put up with a lot, but they persist. Balancing work and home life can be tough, but it’s becoming more and more 

Breastfeeding Tips: How to Overcome the Challenges as a New Mom

Breastfeeding Tips: How to Overcome the Challenges as a New Mom

Being a new mom can be overwhelming in many ways; there’s so much to think about, plan for, and worry over that it can be stressful even when you’re not sleep deprived. Breastfeeding is one of the biggest causes of anxiety for mothers for a